rsibhir bahudha gitam
chandobhir vividhaih prithak
brahma-sutra-padais caiva
hetumadbhir viniscitaih

"That knowledge of the field of activities and of the knower of activities is described by various sages in various Vedic writings. It is especially presented in Vedanta-sutra with all reasoning as to cause and effect."

So many persons had elaborated on this subject. Rishi = Many sages, bahuda = in many ways, gitam = have sung [in praise of this subject]. Here, by mentioning Rishi, it is intended to denote sage Parasara, who made the Vishnu Puranam. Veda Vyasa, Parasara, Tanka, Dramida, Bodayana, etc., have all praised this subject of Atman, body and the Lord as Three separate entities and their relationships. Chandobhi = also by Vedas, vividhai = from different angles [researched], prithak = separately [explained]. Brahma-sutra padais caiva = also in the words of Brahma sootram. It is a very strange coincidence that we are seeing this sloka in this Kshetram, in which was born the person, Swami Koorattalwan, who recorded the commentary on Brahma sootram by Swami Ramanuja! We are fortunate! It is also to be appreciated that Sri Krishna wants to mention His great devotee Veda Vyasa, whose name was Krishna Dwaipayana! Hetu = reasonings, like logic and intelligence, viniscitai = established [by great Acharyas]. Vedas, Puranas, Brahma sootra and commentaries, with logic and intelligence, by great Acharyas, all reveal that this subject had been reiterated, apart from what the Lord told Arjuna. All of them have unanimously commented about Achit, Chit and Iswara, and their relationships. Iswara is the Antaratma of both Chit and Achit. Arjuna seemed to say that while he appreciated the words of the Lord, he was a bit sceptical to believe that Sri Krishna was Antaratma of Arjuna, when both appeared to be separate! He was able to perceive that Atman was in the body, but he could not easily accept the fact that God pervaded Atman. Sri Krishna explained thus. In a big vessel full of milk, if we added some drops of water, we could not notice the water by eyes nor by tasting. But the fact remained that water was added! That is the limitation of our senses or the organs of intelligence! Because Arjuna [as also all of us] was pre-occupied by a combination of the three qualities of Satva, Rajas and Tamas. If, only Satva quality were there, then understanding that the Lord pervades all would be easily understood! But Sri Krishna was not going to stop preaching to His dear cousin Arjuna. Persons like great Rishis, whom Arjuna held in great esteem, have all told the same aspects. We will now take leave of this Kshetram. 