GITA 14.12
Swami PillaiLokacharya [பிள்ளை லோகாசார்யர்] had many disciples. Among them Swami Koorakulottama Dasa [கூர குலோத்தம தாசர்] is important. His disciple was Swami Thiruvaimozhi Pillai [திருவாய்மொழி பிள்ளை], who was also known as Sri Sailesa, Satakopa Dasa and Tirumalai Alwan. He was also the direct Acharya of Swami Manavala Mamuni, the last among Vaishnava Acharyas. Today's [12th March 2009] lecture is from Kondhakai (கொந்தகை)aka Kuntinagaram (குந்தி நகரம்), near Madurai. Swami Thiruvaimozhi Pillai was born in Kuntinagaram. From Madurai on the way to Sivaganga, at about 10 KMs, is Silaiman (சிலைமான்). At this place turning right and going some 4 Kms inside, is this place Kuntinagaram. Once Arjuna visited South. He had contacts with Kings of Pandya region. They were Pandavas and these were Pandyas! Earlier in Srirangam, it was told that Ikshvaku Kings of Ayodhya had contacts with Kings of Chola region. Thus there were transactions between North and South for a very long time. When Arjuna came, Madurai was ruled by King Babruvahana [பப்ருவாஹன]. His daughter was Chitrangata [சித்திராங்கதை]. Arjuna married her, and King wanted to present a place to his son-in-law! Thus, this place was built and was named after Arjuna's mother Kunti. In this place, Lord Sri Daivanayaka [ஸ்ரீ தெய்வநாயகன்] is gracing.
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The Lord is in standing pose. His soft right hand is in Abhaya mudra and the left arm is in Ahvahana[beckoning] mudra. His Divine feet are firmly placed on the lotus pedestal. These divine feet will drive away the sufferings in samsara. Rajo and Tamo qualities will decrease and Sattva guna will increase. Being an ancient idol, the Divine face of the Lord is sculpted very beautifully. His eyes welcome devotees. Crown is very beautiful. When the Lord adores Himself with garlands and ornaments, it is to reduce His beauty!
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We can notice a black dot placed on the face of a child, to ward off ill effects [திருஷ்டி]. Are these ornaments on the Lord also for similar purpose? They will reduce the natural beauty of the Lord! He is accompanied by Sri Sridevi and Sri Bhudevi. While Sri Sridevi is holding a lotus bud, Sri Bhudevi is holding a lotus flower! Our Atman also is neither in bud stage nor in the fully developed stage. But Sri Nacchiyar develops our Atman and recommends Her Consort, the Lord, to bless us.
Now we will see sloka 10 of Chapter 14. The Lord had mentioned that sattva, rajas and tamas qualities are inherent in us, and the effects of each of them in us. They bind us in samsara: sattva by sukham, rajo by activities and tamo by carelessness. Arjuna gets a doubt here. In moola prakriti, these three qualities are inherent. From that Prakriti, our bodies are all formed. Thus our bodies possess these qualities inherently. Be that so, how sattva, rajo and tamo qualities would propel us in various effects? These three qualities could be in equal or unequal proportions. We find the effects are changing daily. How these changes are justified? Sri Krishna replies these questions in sloka 10:
rajas tamas cabhibhuya
sattvam bhavati bharata
rajah sattvam tamas caiva
tamah sattvam rajas tatha
sattvam bhavati bharata
rajah sattvam tamas caiva
tamah sattvam rajas tatha
"Sometimes the mode of goodness becomes prominent, defeating the modes of passion and ignorance, O son of Bharata. Sometimes the mode of passion defeats goodness and ignorance, and at other times ignorance defeats goodness and passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy."