manyase yadi tac chakyam
maya drastum iti prabho
yogeshvara tato me tvam
darsayatmanam avyayam

"If You think that I am able to behold Your cosmic form, O my Lord, O master of all mystic power, then kindly show me that unlimited universal Self."

Manyase = if it is thought so, Prabho = Lord [Sri Krishna], yadi = this [Arjuna's desire], chakyam = possible, maya drastum = could be seen by me [Arjuna], then, atmanam = Your [Sri Krishna's] image, avyayam = limitless, me = to me [Arjuna], darsaya = show, yogeshvara = repository of auspicious qualities. Arjuna says that if the Lord thought that Arjuna could see that limitless image of the Lord [Viswaroopam], then He might show Arjuna. Arjuna expresses a doubt in seeing the Lord's infinite image [Viswaroopam] with the normal eyes. We can see the Lord in temples with our eyes. But Viswaroopam involves showing His image with entire Universe as His body. Our eyes have limitations. Prabho also means capable of doing anything. Arjuna cleverly uses this word. Since he is doubtful of seeing the Viswaroopam with the normal eyes, the Lord, capable of doing anything, should make Arjuna see by providing special powers. It is similar to the request Alwar made to the Lord to come on Garuda to the street, where Alwar lived. Swami Koorathalwan says that our eyes with limitations could only see objects with limitations; but, the Lord has infinite qualities and so our eyes can not see as such. Nammalwar desired to see the Lord as Fire, Water, Wind, etc. The Lord agreed that he could see. But what Alwar desired was he should see in these the Lord holding discus and conch. Thus the Lord yields to the request of His devotees and so He is Sri Varadaraja!