GITA 10.38
Swami Desika says why we should cling to the Divine feet of Lord Sri Varaha. Sriman Narayana is far off in Vaikuntam. It is therefore, better to seek the help of Sri Varaha, Who is here and Who entered the ocean to redeem Mother Earth; it is obvious that He will redeem us also from the samsara sagaram - ocean of life in this earth. Even in the case of Avatars, Sri Ksheerabdi Natha is sleeping peacefully on the serpent bed in the Milky ocean. So, He might not be disturbed. As Sri Matsya Avatar, He can see and help, unlike Sri Varaha, Who entered the ocean and physically lifted the suffering Mother Earth. In Sri Koorma Avatar, He was supporting one mountain only, while in Sri Varaha Avatar, He lifted the Earth with so many mountains. Sri Narasimha appeared in one pillar for one devotee and that too for just a muhurtham [48 minutes], while Sri Varaha appeared to redeem the entire population on this Earth. In Sri Vamana Avatar, He begged to get a portion of His own Earth, while Sri Varaha, with authority He got back His earth. In Sri Parasurama Avatar, He was very angry and used His weapon to kill many. But, in Sri Varaha Avatar, the Lord killed the demon without any weapon and protected Sri Bhudevi. In Sri Rama Avatar, He deputed Anjaneya and crossed the ocean after Ten months to get back Sri Sita; but Sri Varaha, instantly, plunged into the ocean and brought back Sri Bhooma Devi. Sri Balarama with His plough changed the course of river Yamuna and further tried to lift up Hasthinapur. He caused enough damage to Earth; while Sri Varaha protected the Earth. Sri Krishna preached people to fall unto His Feet, to be redeemed. To lighten the burden on the Earth, He designed the Mahabharata war. Sri Varaha, on the other hand, does not even want people to surrender unto Him, but to surrender unto Sri Bhudevi, to reach better status. Sri Kalki avatar is yet to happen. Summarising, it is better to hold on to Sri Varaha.
The Lord appeared here on a Chitra month in Revathi star. Grand festival is celebrated then. In Masi month on Full moon [pournami] day, the Lord visits sea shore and the celebration is very important and it takes Twenty days for the Lord to return back to Sri Mushnam. Thus the Kshetram is famous for festivals, its temple archutecture and sculptures and, more than all, for the Lord, Who protected Mother Earth.
The Lord appeared here on a Chitra month in Revathi star. Grand festival is celebrated then. In Masi month on Full moon [pournami] day, the Lord visits sea shore and the celebration is very important and it takes Twenty days for the Lord to return back to Sri Mushnam. Thus the Kshetram is famous for festivals, its temple archutecture and sculptures and, more than all, for the Lord, Who protected Mother Earth.
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Now we will see sloka 38:
dando damayatam asmi
nitir asmi jigisatam
maunam caivasmi guhyanam
jnanam jnanavatam aham
nitir asmi jigisatam
maunam caivasmi guhyanam
jnanam jnanavatam aham
"Among all means of suppressing lawlessness I am punishment, and of those who seek victory, I am morality. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise, I am the wisdom."
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